Vilje Bionics AS takes a significant step forward with strategic partnerships and funding from Innovation Norway
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Investments, Visit to Sunnaas and Norwegian Stroke Association.
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Vilje | EGGS Design | Blatchford - Design-driven innovation project
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Vilje Bionics collaborates with Geelmuyden Kiese with financing from Design and architecture Norway
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Innovation at its finest
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Vilje Bionics is among the top companies in the 100 Pitches competition
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Vilje Bionics and Oslo municipality finish first phase of collaboration project
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Vilje Bionics has partnered with Oslo municipality to improve the city's health services.
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The first day of testing the exoskeleton in realistic environments with users is finished
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Vilje Bionics prepares the exoskeleton for usability test in collaboration with i4Helse and UiA.
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Vilje Bionics has been granted R&D funding from the Sophie's Minde Foundation
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Vilje Bionics is 1 of 24 startup companies that will participate in the Impact StartUp Bootcamp
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Vilje Bionics is on the cover of the trade magazine Elektronikk
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Vilje Bionics participates in the DNB NXT Healthcare Venture Session 2021
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Vilje Bionics visits Trøndelag Orthopedic clinic